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Truman Sees Israel's President
Clip: 361182_1_1
Year Shot: 1948 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1536
Original Film: 021-147-02
Location: Washington, DC
Timecode: 00:11:45 - 00:12:23

Shaky, dark in spots blurry in contrast and imagery President Truman greets Chaim Weizmann, leader of the New Jewish state in Palestine, and receives from him a 'Torah,' or sacred scroll. The Israel President, hoping for lifting of Arms Embargo, later sails from New York of first leg of journey to the Holy Land.

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 26, 1973
Clip: 488845_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10419
Original Film: 113005
Location: .Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.29.06] Senator MONTOYA. Well, weren't you kind of curious as to what had happened to the scaled down plan 'which involved the expenditure of $250,000 and which was discussed by Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Magruder, Yourself. and Mr. Liddy? Mr. DEAN. YOU mean between the meeting on the 27th and the meeting on the fourth ? Senator MONTOYA. February 4. Mr. DEAN. February 4. Well, after the meeting on the 27th, I was frankly very surprised, given the precedent that had been followed before with Operation Sandwedge, that Mr. Mitchell even reconsidered the matter. I think that he expected, when the meeting was reconvened, that there was going to be something totally different than it was. It was when I came in that meeting late and it was the same type of discussion going on that I interjected myself and terminated the meeting. Senator MONTOYA. When were you first aware that the scaled down plan had been approved by Mr. Mitchell? Mr. DEAN. As I think I testified. I have never asked Mr. Mitchell directly whether he approved the plan or not. Mr. Magruder--- Senator MONTOYA. Well, were you aware--- Mr. DEAN. Yes. after June 19, when I was having conversations with Mr. -Magruder, he indicated to me that Mr. Mitchell had authorized the plan, that he indicated also that the White House was recipient of the, information. and he indicated at that time that there had been pressure from the White House to get the plan moving. But it was never very clear as to exactly what had happened. Senator MONTOYA. Well. did you have any conversations with Mr. Strachan, who was the emissary or liaison between the CRP and Mr. Haldeman or Ehrlichman? Mr. DEAN. Yes. that raises a point that came up in the questioning that, Mr. Thompson was going into this morning. At one point. Mr. Strachan called me and told me that Mr. Magruder and Mr. Liddy had had a serious falling out. I behave Mr. Magruder raised the fact with me that he just could not work with Liddy. Strachan got in the middle of it and called me and he said, what should I do? I said. I have no idea. but I would suggest now That Bob Mardian is over there, that if there are personality problems and personnel problems, that Mr. Mardian handle it. That, was my recommendation to Mr. Strachan and it was only later that I heard that he had been moved from the reelection committee to the finance committee. Senator MONTOYA. Had you become aware, since the break-in that Magruder was transmitting memorandum through Mr. Strachan to Mr. Ehrlichman and Mr. Haldeman? Mr. DEAN. Not to Mr. Ehrlichman. I was aware from a conversation I had with Mr. Strachan on the 19th that he had destroyed documents that. indicated that he was transmitting this information back to The White House. Senator MONTOYA. And why would Mr. Haldeman destroy these documents if he was not aware, and still professes unawareness, of anyone at the White House being involved in the Watergate affair prior to June 17? Mr. DEAN. Well, as I think I have, said before, Senator, publicly, it is inch by inch that the truth is coming out. [00.32.41] Senator MONTOYA. Would you say that in view of the correlation of events, in view of Mr. Strachan's missions between the CRP and Mr. Haldeman, in view of the admission by Mr. Jeb Magruder that he Was sending this memorandum to Mr. Haldeman as well as to Mr. Ehrlichman about all these things, that Mr. Haldeman as well as Mr. Ehrlichman were, fully aware of -what Mr. Liddy's role was with respect to collecting intelligence. and with respect to the possible plan of breaking into the DNC, the McGovern Headquarters, or the O'Brien suite at Miami during the Democratic convention? Mr. DEAN. You have drawn, that is a rather broad conclusion. But, I would say this: That I think that anything that was transmitted to Mr. Strachan. Mr. Strachan was a very good, thorough, man. Anything of any import that came to his attention he would regularly report to Mr. Haldeman, and I can only assume that that material that came To Mr. Strachan was reported on to Mr. Haldeman. [00.34.04] Senator MONTOYA. Well. I can only assume from your testimony and what has been adduced before this committee heretofore by other witnesses that Mr. Haldeman and Mr. Ehrlichman were very precise in 'the missions that they undertook and in exacting performance by those, to whom they made assignments of missions. Would not you say that that is a correct statement? Mr. DEAN. Yes, Sir: I would. [00.34.32]

Zoo Chimps Thrill The Kids
Clip: 361216_1_1
Year Shot: 1948 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1536
Original Film: 021-152-03
Location: St. Louis, MO
Timecode: 00:38:06 - 00:39:06

Shaky, blurry and dull in contrast and imagery For thrilled youngsters, summer time at the zoo means fun-time, when the versatile chimpanzees stage their weekly carnival. Trick pony riding, with extra fillips of excitement as the chimps swing on and off the saddle!

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 26, 1973
Clip: 488847_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10419
Original Film: 113005
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.39.20] Mr. DEAN. There would be an effort to discredit the committee, by painting it as very partisan through a behind-the- scenes media effort. That there was also discussion of how to make sure that there were raised also the problems that the Democratic Party might have been engaged in but at that point there was nothing specific to raise, We were hoping to find things. In fact at one, point, in the conversation it was suggested we hire private investigators, Mr. Haldeman suggested this. I raised the fact this is more political surveillance and that is the last thing in the world we need. Then, I think, I tried to recount most of this in my testimony and I will be happy to do it all again for you if you would like me to. Senator MONTOYA. Do you know whether Or not since the, Watergate, entry, do you know whether or not the CRP. the White House or anyone else under the auspices of the CRP was hired to conduct a gathering of more intelligence or to engage in the invasion of the right of privacy of individuals? Mr. DEAN. I only know of the fact that that has been done with; regard to me and I don't believe it has been done by those entities. It might be indirectly but I have no firsthand knowledge of that. Senator MONTOYA. Do you know -whether or not there were any other buggings other than the ones that you have mentioned or any, eavesdropping through electronic devices? Mr. DEAN. No, sir, I think I have mentioned those that, I am aware of. Senator MONTOYA. In what respects did you discuss the possible blocking or impeding of the Senate investigation at the White House at any time? Mr. DEAN. Well, as I say, as a result of the La Costa meetings there were set in motion a host of follow-up activities. I think some of the agenda that you see in my submissions for meetings indicate the thrust of things that were developing at the La, Costa meeting. I think in particular some of those agenda are self-explanatory as to the tactics and the thoughts as to how to deal with the situation. Senator MONTOYA. When you informed Liddy to get Hunt our of the country, who had instructed you to do this? Mr. DEAN. This Was--- Senator MONTOYA. And what conversation actually took place Prior to your informing Mr. Liddy to get Hunt out of the country? [00.42.28] Mr. DEAN. This occurred on Monday the 19th of June in 1972. It was a late afternoon meeting In Mr. Ehrlichman's office with Mr. Colson. The first question before the meeting got down to any substance was raised by Mr. Ehrlichman as to where Mr. Hunt was. He asked me and I said I had no idea. He asked Mr. Colson and Mr. Colson made a similar comment. I was then asked by Mr. Ehrlichman to call Mr. Liddy and tell Mr. Liddy to tell Mr. Hunt to get out of the country. I did that. It was a short time thereafter that I began to think about the wisdom of having made that call and re-raised it. There was a brief discussion between Ehrlichman and myself and finally Mr. Colson entered the discussion and he said he also thought it was a very unwise idea. Ehrlichman concurred. This all took place within about, oh, 15, 20 minute span and I was asked to call Mr. Liddy back and retract the instruction. I did that. Liddy said to me that he didn't know if it was possible because the message had already been passed and I have no further knowledge of whether in fact, Hunt did leave the country or not as a result of that. Senator MONTOYA. When was the first real meeting to organize the coverup and who was present at that first meeting? Mr. DEAN. I think that the coverup is somewhat similar to the planning of this whole thing, that just sort of happened. I know that when I Came, back from out of the country there had already been Significant events, which had occurred, The coverup was already--it had begun and was in fact In place and was going. [00.44.21]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 26, 1973
Clip: 488848_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10419
Original Film: 113005
Location: .Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.44.21] Senator MONTOYA. What information did you have with respect to the involvement of any officials in the White House on that initial stage of the coverup? Mr. DEAN. Well, it was on Monday the 19th that I Was gaining information. I think the first very revealing information was that Mr. Strachan had destroyed, at Mr. Haldeman's suggestion. I also--that morning I had had a call from Ehrlichman who asked me to find Out what Mr. Colson's involvement was in this matter. Senator MONTOYA. Did you advise the President or Mr. Haldeman or Mr. Ehrlichman about the authority that might exist under law for the covert activity that was to ensue as a result of the organization of the plumbers? Mr. DEAN. I wasn't involved in the establishment of the plumbers and it was somewhat by accident that I was talking about Bud Krogh who I had known quite well and was partially responsible for my coming to the White House as a matter of fact, when I realized that a plumbers unit or whatever the proper name was for it was being established. At that time he told me that they had an operation that was seeking to determine major leaks. He invited me down to see the unit. He said, "We have a new sensor security system, and you might be interested in seeing it," so I went down and looked at it, and saw their scrambler phone and that was about the extent of it. [00.45.58] Senator MONTOYA. Who devised the, shelter of executive privilege as part of the coverup? Mr. DEAN. Well, the--I wouldn't say there was a conscious decision at any point In time to use executive privilege as a part of the coverup. It was always in existence With regard to White House staff because no one, the President's policy was he didn't want the staff coming up. It began to take a very severe focus during the--first of all, during the Patman hearings that, if push had gotten to shove in those hearings that. privilege would have been declared on Timmons and myself. Senator MONTOYA. You mean to tell me that you and Mr. Haldeman and Mr. Ehrlichman didn't discuss the use of executive privilege? Mr. DEAN. Yes sir; I was getting to that. Senator MONTOYA. As a coverup? Mr. DEAN. That was the first time it had occurred when there was some discussion of it that, was with regard to the Patman hearings in late September or early October. That was the only congressional problem that, arose. It was, during the Gray hearings when my name Moved to the information front, that we began discussing using or litigating with Dean the issue of executive privilege possibly being the strongest, and these were the discussions I had with the President whereas if we were, litigating the matter with Mr. Dean there would be no other witnesses from the White House who would have to appear because he would have the perfect reason that this matter is under litigation. Senator Ervin. We will take a 5 minute recess to vote. [00.47.50-LEHRER v.o. states that MONTOYA has been interrupted for a Senate vote] [PBS network ID-title screen "SENATE HEARINGS ON CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES"] [00.50.19-LEHRER in studio] LEHRER states that MONTOYA will continue his interrogation of DEAN. [00.50.27]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 26, 1973
Clip: 488849_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10419
Original Film: 113005
Location: .Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.50.27-committee room, DEAN seated at witness table] Senator ERVIN. The committee Will resume. Senator 'MONTOYA. Mr. Dean, I only have three or four questions to ask of you. I want to clear this matter up with respect to Mr. Mitchell. On pages 225 and 226 of -your statement, you mention that there, was a move afoot at the White House to try to get Mr. Mitchell to accept the blame for the entire affair. Now, can you tell me who the prime mover of this attempt was at the White House? Mr. DEAN. It, is very difficult, for me to say who the prime mover was. At the time this first was discussed. it Was after I had reported to the President -on the 21st what I thought were the implications of this entire, matter and subsequently, I had a meeting with Haldeman and Ehrlichman and then another meeting with the President. It was early discussion--I recall one particular incident that occurred outside of the President's Office before he -went into a meeting in which I said that, there are two options. One is everything pre- and post- is going to have to be laid out or, second, the White House is going to have to surround itself with wagons and start protecting Itself. It was in subsequent discussions with the President when it was evolving that I was arguing that, both pre and post had to be disclosed, but there was evolving the thought at that point in time, that if we merely deal with the pre- situation, that the post might go away. I did not believe that and it was really when the Presidential party came back from California that early discussions of this concept had evolved into a firm policy. [00.52.51] So I also mentioned that there -was a meeting on the 22d where Mr. Mitchell came down. I assumed at that time that Mr. Ehrlichman and Mr. Haldeman were going to do something to try to bring Mitchell forward on this issue because of, the earlier discussions that had been held. To the contrary, the discussion really revolved around, first of all, Mr. Ehrlichman asked, has the Hunt problem been taken care of, the demands that he was making, and Mr. Mitchell reported that that did not seem to be any problem. There were general discussions again about the status of the White House vis-a-vis this committee on executive privilege. I went to a meeting that afternoon with the President and it was a repeat of the same thing that had occurred on several previous occasions. So I really cannot say that, that policy evolved until after they returned from California. I recall on the 13th----- Senator MONTOYA. Did you not indicate that there had been some discussion in California about making Mr. 'Mitchell the fall guy? Mr. DEAN. Well. I do not know that, I was not in California. I am aware of another situation where Mr. Colson and Mr. Shapiro came to meet with Mr. Ehrlichman and possibly Mr. Haldeman--I was not present but I did hear them both discussing it on the afternoon of the 13th-- which Mr. Colson had laid out the theory that Mr. Mitchell should be smoked out and this might resolve the whole problem. Senator MONTOYA. Did you hear any discussions by Mr. Haldeman or Mr. Ehrlichman with respect to the same thing? Mr. DEAN. I guess I did. In fact, during that conversation, Mr. Ehrlichman -was on the telephone with the President at one Point in time, I recall. and it was--it had been planned that Mr. Mitchell would come down that Saturday, Saturday, the 14th. Senator MONTOYA. Who arranged for Mr. Mitchell to come down? Mr. DEAN. I believe that Mr. Haldeman called him. I am not sure. Senator MONTOYA. Now, in view of your strong feelings for Mr. Mitchell, why did you not apprise him of this move by the White House? Mr. DEAN. I had already gone to the prosecutors by this time and was in discussions with the prosecutors and I was trying to avoid any situation that would further involve me, but yet, I was not revealing to Mr. Haldeman and Mr. Ehrlichman that, in fact, I was having discussions with the Government about the entire situation. It occurred to Me at one time when I learned that Mr. O'Brien was going to California to meet with Mr. Ehrlichman at a suggestion of Mr. Mitchell, that he do so, that this could well be a setup situation. But I did not apprise him of it because I, myself, was dealing with the Government and I had stopped the coverup, as far as I was concerned. I was no longer involved in it. [00.56.04]

Universal Newsreels
Clip: 489508_1_1
Year Shot: 1929 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1768
Original Film: 001-074-06
Timecode: -

Women feeding deer. Three women stand in a park and are surrounded by deer. The deer eat from the women's hands.

The Belmont Stakes
Clip: 361652_1_1
Year Shot: 1962 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1698
Original Film: 035-048-05
Location: New York, USA
Timecode: 00:52:28 - 00:53:30

The Belmont Stakes Horses race around the track as the audience cheers during the Belmont Stakes. Crowds, man with binoculars. Horses out of gate, running toward camera. Spectators, cheering their horses on. Winners circle, draping horse with floral blanket.

Record-breaker Comes Up For Air
Clip: 361818_1_1
Year Shot: 1962 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1702
Original Film: 035-078-03
Location: France
Timecode: 00:33:28 - 00:34:12

Record-breaker Comes Up For Air A young spelunker (cave explorer) comes to the surface after spending two months in the darkness. He's weak, but otherwise is in good physical condition, wears dark goggles to protect his eyes. WS tents and trucks atop mountain Alps, looks like excavation site. Team of men help hoist a man from an underground cavern. Men with ropes and pulley, hoist geologist from below ground. Doctor exams explorer, listening with a stethoscope. Man is carried by stretcher from site, looks more like a body bag.

"Skybolt" Decision - President Says Missile Is Failure
Clip: 361930_1_1
Year Shot: 1962 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1705
Original Film: 035-101-01
Location: Washington, D.C.
Timecode: 00:24:57 - 00:27:05

"Skybolt" Decision - President Says Missile Is Failure At his news conference Mr. Kennedy says that the air-to-ground missile, the "Skybolt" has failed in five tests and may be abandoned. Britain is opposed to this for they are counting on it for their nuclear defense. President Kennedy walking past camera. Newsreel cameras, press. Natural sound of reporter asking President Kennedy question about the skybolt. B-roll of missile and plane. Press seated in auditorium. WS President Kennedy standing at podium at news conference. The President also touches on the rash of spoofs of the Kennedy family. President Kennedy raises arm and calls on reporter to ask question, "It's been a long time since a President and his family have been subject to such a heavy barrage of teasing and fun poking and satire. I mean there have been books, cartoon books with cleaver sayings, photo albums and now a smash hit record. Can you tell us whether you read and listen to these things and whether they produce annoyment or enjoyment? President Kennedy responds, "Annoyment. Uh no they, yes I have read them and listen to them. Actually I listened to Mr. (?) record and thought he rather sounded like Teddy than it did me. So he's annoyed." (funny, publicity)

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 26, 1973
Clip: 488850_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10419
Original Film: 113005
Location: .Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.56.04] Senator MONTOYA. Now, were You aware all throughout your dealings With respect to this affair of the implications that you might be chargeable with violation of the law for obstructing justice? Mr. DEAN. Yes. I was. I do not know when I first began to think about it, but I did certainly think about it from time to time, and I can recall discussing it directly after the election with Mr. Haldeman. We had a discussion about a written Dean report. He asked me what would happen if all the facts were laid out. I told him what would happen, and I said the I thought that ultimately, a reconvened grand jury, which would occur if the facts were laid out, would end up in potential indictments of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Dean. Senator MONTOYA. Well, let me ask you this question. How do you expect us to resolve the truth in this matter when you state one story and you have testified here and made yourself subject to cross-examination and the President states another story and he does not appear before this committee? I am not implying that he should. Now, how do you expect us to resolve this? Can you give us any information to how we might resolve it? Mr. DEAN. Mr. Chairman, I think this. I strongly believe that truth always emerges. I do not know if it -will be during these hearings, I do not know if it will be as the result of the further activities of the Special prosecutor. I do not know if it will be through the processes of history. But the truth will come out someday. As far as any issue of fact, and I am not suggesting this with regard to the President, of any individual where I have a difference of opinion or different statement of the fact with that individual--this has occurred once, in my early meetings with the prosecutors--I am quite willing to submit myself to a polygraph test on any issue of fact with any individual who says that what I am saying is less than truthful. Senator MONTOYA. What really made you change and start coming up and coming out with the truth of this matter as you have related it? What motivated you? Mr. DEAN. Well, I think that it was after the first of the year that I had serious reservations as to whether the coverup could continue. I must say that from June 19 on, I have not had a very pleasant day in my life. This has been a haunting Situation for me. As early as September, when I began talking with my now wife about getting married, I told her that somewhere down the road, it is going to be a very rough situation, because at that time--I did not explain it to her-- because I just realized that something like this could not go on indefinitely. At one point, I reached the, end of the line and just decided that I could not continue it. I just did not have the constitution internally to proceed with what was going on. So I decided to start swimming the other way. Senator MONTOYA. Do you have peace of mind now about what you have done? Mr. DEAN. Yes, sir. Senator MONTOYA. In disclosing everything that you knew, do you have a peace of mind and a clear conscience. Mr. DEAN. I am not here as a sinner seeking a confessional, but I have been asked to be here to tell the truth, and I had always planned at any time before any forum when asked to tell the truth. Senator MONTOYA. What I am trying to ask you, do you feel better now that you have told everything rather than hiding it? Mr. DEAN. Indeed, I do, sir. It is a very difficult thing to hide, and, as I explained to the President, it would take perjury upon perjury, upon perjury, if it were to be perpetuated. I was not capable of doing that, and I knew that, my day of being called was not, far off. Senator MONTOYA. That is all. Thank you, sir. Senator ERVIN. The committee will stand in recess until 10 o'clock tomorrow.

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 26, 1973
Clip: 488851_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10419
Original Film: 113005
Location: .Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[01.01.00-MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL states that the second day of DEAN'S testimony has ended, with many of the committee members seeming unsure about how much credence to give to DEAN'S testimony, remarks that Sam DASH has been quoted as saying he is looking forward to another chance to question DEAN, and Senators BAKER and ERVIN have not yet had their chances. MacNEILL states that the likelihood of DEAN'S testimony taking longer than expected puts more pressure on the committee's plan to finish with the first phase of the hearings by early August. LEHRER introduces comment by Steven HESS of the BROOKINGS INSTITUTE, former member of NIXON'S White House staff, and John KRAMER of Georgetown University law school. LEHRER states that things got a little tedious at the end, asks if the guests would call it a totally lost day. KRAMER says that it was not a totally lost day, but it could have been sifted down to about a half hour of worthwhile information. States that three things were learned: First, did seem to change his indication about NIXON'S involvement; had said before that he did not think that NIXON was fully aware of the implications of the coverup etc, but today, DEAN said that he meant NIXON was unaware of the "human implications" of the coverup in terms of close associates being criminally liable, rather than the facts per se. Second, it was clarified that ZIEGLER did not have complicity, and that DEAN was denied permission by EHRLICHMAN to brief ZIEGLER on the Watergate matter. Third, it was clarified that Henry PETERSEN was not complicit in the coverup, although, as LEHRER notes, the testimony of the day before was not favorable to PETERSEN. KRAMER notes that the questioning by Fred THOMPSON took away much of the aspersions from ZIEGLER and PETERSEN. LEHRER asks HESS the same question. HESS (sounding like a paid NIXON MOUTHPIECE) states that seldom is something so potentially dramatic as DEAN'S testimony reduced to such "instant boredom". Very little in the way of DEAN'S factual charges or his credibility has been affected, and HESS hopes, given statements by BAKER and INOUYE, that the cross-examination tomorrow will be more effective in either establishing or rejecting DEAN'S credibility. [01.04.28-TAPE OUT] 

USS Lafayette 616 New Submarine
Clip: 362121_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1710
Original Film: 036-035-02
Location: At Sea
Timecode: 00:13:52 - 00:15:42

The Polar-firing 'Lafayette' joins the Navy after extensive sea trials and it is joined by the killer-sub 'Jack'. These two new craft take their places in uncle Sam s sea defenses under the shadow of the 'Thresher' tragedy. The Lafayette, the newest and largest nuclear submarine making its way through the open sea. MOHS - Crowd of people standing on the pier, bidding farewell to their loved ones. MS - Sailors embarking on the USS Lafayette. MCUS - Photo journalist. MS - The naval crew of the USS Lafayette standing at attention on top of the submarine. MS - Raising of the American Flag. New Hampshire naval yard in Portsmouth, The killer submarine Jack is launched.

New Weather Ship For Air Safety
Clip: 362128_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1710
Original Film: 036-036-04
Location: Holland
Timecode: 00:21:49 - 00:23:10

Still another aid to international air safety takes to the seas in the Netherlands. It is the 'Cumulus' which will be stationed off Iceland to relay weather reports to airliners. Also in the Netherlands, the Dutch test the British Hovercraft. They are interested in its use in this low-lying country. Holland The Christening of a new weather ship stationed in the North Atlantic near Iceland. MS - A group on board deck are applauding the completion of the Christening . MS - Camera is fixed on the outside view of the navigational station on the ship. MS - The antennas and radar of the ship. MCUS - Inside the navigating station a crew member is checking the gauges. MS - A radio probe balloon going up into the atmosphere. MS - Two ship crew members, the navigator and his assistant checking out and watching the controls. MS - Outside above deck you see part of the ocean, the ships chimney, the control station and a life boat hanging on the side of the ship. Back on the shore of the Netherlands men standing around the hovercraft. MS A demonstration of the Hovercraft going over land on a cushion of air and heading for the water. MS Hovercraft making its way through rough waters. Aerial shot - Water-way of the Netherlands.

General Gruenther Honored By The French
Clip: 354442_1_1
Year Shot: 1956 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1625
Original Film: 029-095-04
Location: Paris, France
Timecode: 00:10:24 - 00:10:59

A final review is held for General Alfred Gruenther, retiring chief of NATO forces. As his successor, General Lauris Norstad looks on, Premier Guy Mollet awards him the French Military Medal. Establishing shot - General Alfred Gruenther reviewing the French soldiers standing at attention. Then he walks over to greet and shake hands with the wounded French. MCU - General Lauris Norstad looking on. MCS - High French Dignitaries honoring General Gruenther. MCUS - Premier Guy Mollet awarding General Gruenther a French Military Medal. MCUS - French soldiers march pass General Gruenther in respect and the General salutes the French soldiers as they march pass.

UN Troops Arrive In Port Said, Egypt
Clip: 354450_1_1
Year Shot: 1956 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1625
Original Film: 029-096-05
Location: Port Said, Egypt
Timecode: 00:17:42 - 00:18:16

UN Troops arrive in Port Said, Egypt, and are virtually mobbed by unruly demonstrators - whose fervent greetings nearly boil over into a riot. British Tommies, soon to evacuate, restore order with swinging rifle butts. Establishing shot - UN troops marching down the street in Port Said. CUS - Throngs of Arabs cheering the arrival of the troops. CUS - People dancing around, clapping their hands and smiling. CUS - British Tommies trying to control the crowds and bring order. MCUS - Some men in the crowd holding up bikes. MS - The back side of the troops marching surrounded by crowds on both sides of the street's.

The Porter Wagoner Show No. 483
Clip: 488856_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 13482
Original Film: PW-483
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Timecode: -

Porter Wagoner "Happy Faces" Jack Greene "I Need Somebody Bad" ? "Old Joe Clark" (Instrumental) 01.09.20 Dolly Parton "Jolene" Porter Wagoner "I am Always Writing" Speck Rhodes "Gone Too Far to Back Out Now" Porter Wagoner 'Be Careful of the Stones You Throw" (Gospel) Jack Greene "There's A Whole Lot About A Woman"

The Porter Wagoner Show No. 482
Clip: 488858_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 13481
Original Film: PW-482
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Timecode: -

Porter Wagoner "Company's Comin'" Johnny Russell "Red NEck, White Socks and Blue Ribbon Beer" ? "Going Home" (Instrumental) Dolly Parton "Joshua" Porter Wagoner "I Thought I Heard YOu Call Me Name/Old Love LEtters" (Medley) Speck Rhodes (Phone) (Comedy/narration) Porter Wagoner "Baptism of Jesse Taylor" (Gospel) Johnny Russell "Just Somebody I used to Know"

The Porter Wagoner Show No. 480
Clip: 488859_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 13479
Original Film: PW-480
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Timecode: -

Porter Wagoner "Childhood Playground" Red Steagall "If You've Got the Time, I've Got the Place" ? "Pixie County" (Instrumental) Dolly Parton "My Kind of Man" Porter Wagoner "I See Love" Soeck Rhodes (Phone) (Comedy/narration) Dolly Parton "When I Sing for Hom" (Gospel) Red Steagall "Fiddle Man"

The Porter Wagoner Show No. 479
Clip: 488860_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 13478
Original Film: PW-479
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Timecode: -

Porter Wagoner "Ya'll Come" Warner Mack "Goodbyes don't Come Easy" ? 'Smokey Mountain Rag" (Instrumental) Dolly Parton "Blue Ridge Mountain Boy" Porter Wagoner/Dolly Parton "If Teardrops Were Pennies" (Duet) Speck Rhodes "Bound to Look Like a Monkey " Porter Wagoner "Suppertime" (Gospel) Warner Mack "Live For the Good Times"

Cargo Copter.
Clip: 354458_1_1
Year Shot: 1956 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1625
Original Film: 029-097-05
Location: Quantico, Virginia
Timecode: 00:24:28 - 00:24:59

The Marines show off a new twin-engine cargo helicopter - capable of carrying 26 fully-equipped marines or a jeep and light artillery piece. Establishing shot - The helicopter is coming in for a landing. It lands on the grass. MS - The front hatch of the helicopter opens a out drives a jeep carrying four soldiers and pulling a canon. MS - The front hatch closes and the helicopter lifts off.

Spinning Reel Target
Clip: 354467_1_1
Year Shot: 1956 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1625
Original Film: 029-098-05
Location: Hawthorn, California
Timecode: 00:32:15 - 00:32:59

A Jet Interceptor shows a new aerial tow-target designed for super-sonic target practice. Resembling a fishing plug, it's let out at the end of a 5-mile line. Establishing shot - Air to air shot of a Jet Interceptor. MCUS - Under the jets wing is the tow target that can be released and the jet does release it. MCUS - This plug that the plane releases is five miles behind the plane to insure safety for the pilot. MCUS - The jet plane pulls the little target back under its wing.

Football - Giants V. Redskins At Yankee Stadium
Clip: 354477_1_1
Year Shot: 1956 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1625
Original Film: 029-099-08
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:41:03 - 00:42:13

The Pro Grid Giants avenge a previous drubbing by the Redskins. New York s Frank Gifford plays like Frank Merisel, starring repeatedly as he notches three touchdowns, leading the team to a 28-14 win. 46,000 at Yankee Stadium, fans in the stands. MSOH - The Giants kick off to the receiving team, the Redskins. MSOH - Joe Skaderro receives the ball runs a few yards and is hit hard. MOHS - Joe fumbles the ball and Livenston recovers the ball on the 8-yard line. MSOH - Frank Gifford of the Giants gets the ball and scores a touchdown. CUS - Sports fans. MOHS - Giants take to the air and throws the ball 22 yards and it is caught. MOHS - The ball is passed again by the Giants, Gifford catches the ball and scores another touchdown. OHS - The crowded stadium and the fans are cheering. OHS - The Redskins steel the ball and run it in for a touchdown but its too late the Giants win.

Baby Flame Thrower.
Clip: 354498_1_1
Year Shot: 1956 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1625
Original Film: 029-102-06
Location: Maryland
Timecode: 00:52:58 - 00:53:26

Poor Quality - Out of Focus The army reveals a futuristic-looking 'one-shot' flame-thrower, just as destructive as the old multi-shot model - but weighing a mere 26 pounds, handy for paratroopers. The weapon shoots out fuel with flame riding on it. It looks like a laser weapon of some sort. Establishing shot - US soldier standing with a flame-thrower. CUS - Soldier is kneeling on the ground with the flame-thrower in his arms. CUS - Your looking down the barrels of the flame-thrower. MS - Soldier standing with the flame-thrower and pulls the trigger and out comes a stream of fire. MS - The soldier with the flame thrower aims the flame thrower at a bunker and hits the mark. The bunker goes up in flames.

Displaying clips 265-288 of 10000 in total
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