

Palestine from the 1940's to early 2000's.

1940s - Palestine - Palestinian Town
Clip: 442852_1_1
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:02:27 - 01:02:56

Wide view of Palestinian town. VS of Palestinian town.

Clip: 491275_1_2
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11061
Original Film: 101861
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 11:30:38 - 11:32:43

CU former Sec. Of State ALEXANDER HAIG in audience. Israeli Foreign Minister SHIMON PERES continues speech, says that Israel also regrets the loss of Palestinian life in the conflict, tells BILL CLINTON that he is presiding over the most promising day in the Middle East peace process. Calls for hope and determination for all people. Concludes with a blessing in Hebrew, and then in English.

Clip: 491275_1_3
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11061
Original Film: 101861
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 11:32:43 - 11:35:06

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) minister MAHMOUD ABBAS speaks (in Arabic, translator reads his words by paragraph). Mr. Habbas wishes for these meetings to be the start of positive and constructive change. C/A shot YITZHAK RABIN. C/A shot unidentified shiek. C/A shot of Vice-President AL GORE. C/A former Sec. Of State HENRY KISSINGER rubbing the hell out of his eyes. Mr. Abbas states that the P.L.O. recognizes that the only hope for peace is by mutual agreement, trust, and cooperation, hopes for a constructive relationship with Israel. C/A shot Gen. COLIN POWELL and Sec. Of Defense LES ASPIN applauding.

Clip: 491275_1_4
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11061
Original Film: 101861
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 11:35:06 - 11:40:37

MAHMOUD ABBAS states that this is the beginning of a difficult path, but mutual determination to overcome obstacles to peace will win out in the end. C/A shots Sens. JOHN KERRY (D-MA) & ORRIN HATCH (R-UT). Mr. Abbas thanks the United States for its support of peace negotiations, asks the U.S. to continue its support in the difficult stages ahead. Looking forward with hope to have final negotiations over Palestinian sovereignty, status of Jerusalem, and Palestinian refugees in two years. Says that Peace will help to make both Israelis and Palestinians more prosperous. Thanks the U.S. and Russian governments for supporting the negotiations, as well as the Norwegians for hosting the negotiations, he looks forward to progress to peace. C/A group of diplomats, behind them sits actor RICHARD DREYFUSS. C/A sideview of CORETTA SCOTT KING. C/A shot President BILL CLINTON.

Clip: 491275_1_5
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11061
Original Film: 101861
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 11:40:37 - 11:46:15

President BILL CLINTON directs Sec. Of State WARREN CHRISTOPHER & dignitaries to the table where the documents lie in wait. VO notes that this is the same table from the 1979 signing of the Camp David Peace Accords. MSs of SHIMON PERES signing the Oslo agreement. C/A shot of YASSER ARAFAT looking on. Mr. Peres stands, crowd applauds. MSs of MAHMOUD ABBAS sign the Oslo agreement; applause at outset. MS diplomats shaking hands. MSs Russian foreign minister signing as witness. Mr. Christopher signs as witness to the agreement on behalf of the US.

Clip: 491276_1_6
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11061
Original Film: 101861
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 11:59:30 - 12:02:01

ITZHAK RABIN says that Israelis are rejecting vengeance and hatred and want peaceful coexistence as human beings; desire to open a new chapter in Arab-Israeli relations; quotes Ecclesiastes about "to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven" (Turn, Turn, Turn). C/As YASSER ARAFAT.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497185_1_2
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:37:55 - 00:38:26

TLS large crowd of Palestinians carrying wrapped body of young man slain in conflict against Israeli police through street; MSs crowd of Arab men passing camera, several of them uniformed members of Al-Aqsa Brigade security force (formerly based in Iraq), complete with drab green fatigues, colored berets & AK-47 assault rifles. Funeral march, procession.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497185_1_3
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:38:26 - 00:39:54

TLS crowd of Palestinians ducked behind concrete wall, some throwing rocks over it; sounds of gunfire exchange. MS two Palestinian security officers firing handguns over embankment. Shots of Palestinians scrambling for cover behind brick wall during live ammunition gunfight; battle-scarred street. MS three young Palestinian men carrying wounded comrade to Red Crescent ambulance. More shots men in street, ambulances abounding; one man carries M-16 rifle procured from Israeli forces, many congratulating him.

Muslims Praying / Palestinian & Israeli Conflict
Clip: 497186_1_2
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 01:05:23 - 01:05:53

Excellent LS crowd of Islamic men on knees, bowing to Mecca outside Al Aqsa (Alaqsa) mosque, the Dome of the Rock in immediate BG; sound of muezzin leading prayer. Nice DOF MS rows of Muslim men standing on patio, bowing during prayer. TLS devout Muslims during prayer, shot from behind them, one young man wearing a backwards New York Yankees baseball cap. MS balding bearded middle-aged man on knees, flanked by other Muslims during sevice. TLS Muslim men mingling or dispersing along patio after service. Religion, faith, Islam, Muslim, Moslem.

Muslims Praying / Palestinian & Israeli Conflict
Clip: 497186_1_3
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 01:05:53 - 01:07:15

Shots of crowd of Muslim men outside Al Aqsa (Alaqsa) Mosque after service, some young men throwing rocks in direction of the Dome of the Rock while older men try to stop them from instigating trouble-- this may have been shot during Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount on Sep. 28, 2000. MS two young Palestinian men destroying a security camera overlooking patio. TLS/MSs heavily armed Israeli police in full riot gear guarding entrance in courtyard. L/a TLS group of young Palestinian men, some of them masked, chanting angrily behind barbed wire fence atop stone arch overlooking courtyard. TLS young Palestinian men throwing rocks across street at Israeli police. MS Muslim woman & man carrying injured man; they fall. TLS/MSs Palestinian paramedics quickly placing man on stretcher, carrying him away through courytard. TLS soldiers overlooking courtyard as men disperse.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497185_1_4
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:39:54 - 00:40:36

MS/TLSs crowd of Palestinian men carrying body of fallen comrade (wrapped in flag of Palestine) through street. TLS several Palestinian men, their identities masked by white scarves, firing M-16 assault rifles into air from battered roof of house; tilt down to funeral march through street, several men waving green flags with white lettering.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497185_1_5
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:40:36 - 00:41:27

LS/TLS Israeli soldier firing M-16 rifle outfitted with rubber bullets from balcony of high-rise apartment building. TLSs Palestinian men on debris-strewn street, throwing rocks at police. TLS smoldering ruins of floor of building bombed by Israeli forces, several radar dishes on roof (perhaps a PLO communications office). LS tire fire spewing black smoke in debris-strewn street.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497189_1_2
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:47:43 - 00:48:46

MS funeral procession for dead Palestinian youth; body of young man, wrapped in Palestinian flag, is carried through streets by large crowd. MS Muslim women wearing headscarves casting arms in the air, chanting as funeral procession passes. MS Palestinian men marching in procession, passing camera-- security officer in blue uniform, civilians, members of Al Aqsa Brigade armed with AK-47 rifles. MSs funeral for slain man, men struggling to get flag-draped body to ground; rather chaotic scene. CU Muslim woman screaming, tossing fists into air during funeral.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497189_1_3
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:48:46 - 00:50:47

LS Palestinian youth throwing rocks at police on street. TLS Israeli police in full riot gear firing rubber bullets at rock throwers from behind armored truck. TLS/MSs Palestinian youth throwing rocks, ducking for cover behind crude barricades as small fires rage. TLS/MSs Israeli police using high-powered rifles outfitted for rubber bullets. LSs crowd of Palestinian youth hurling rocks, some using slings. MS Israeli police officer standing guard with rifle at ledge overlooking street. LS small fires burning, crowd in BG. More shots rock-throwers & slings, fires burning, barricades, soldiers.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497189_1_5
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:52:28 - 00:53:14

MS funeral procession for young Palestinian man killed in conflict, body wrapped in flag of Palestine and hoisted high by crowd marching & chanting. TLS crowd standing on mound & watching funeral parade, some holding Palestinian flags. TLS/MSs burial service.

Israeli/Palestinian Clashes at the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif)
Clip: 497191_1_4
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1439
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:03:19 - 00:04:13

Great MS of group of 20-30 young palestinians throwing rocks and objects. A burning tire is in front of them. MCU of 2-3 men behind a burning dumpster throw things and quickly duck behind the dumpster. TLS 2 armored jeeps in roadway, soldiers kneel on ground or hide behind opened doors with guns aimed. MS side view of jeep slowly rolling - soldiers walking along behind open door. MS group of young palestinians throwing obejcts again - burning tires. Adding tires to the pile. Thick black smoke rises, flames, fire. Nice pull back to wide shot from behind of men throwing things at israeli soldiers. Buildings in b/g and smoke .

Israeli/Palestinian Clashes at the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif)
Clip: 497191_1_9
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1439
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:07:19 - 00:08:01

MS group of palestinians carries injured person towards ambulance. One holds his hand up to camera lens trying to block it's view. Siren blares, cuts to LS ambulance driving away. VS Israeli special forces and police interacting with each other and civillians. A relatively calm moment. MS group of soldiers face away from camera helping an injured soldier. A photographer is among them and runs in front of the group to snap the photo. VS special forces units in street. A lull in the chaos.

Israeli-Palestine Conflict
Clip: 497195_1_5
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1442
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:20:30 - 00:25:13

More of young Palestinian men throwing rocks, some using slings, at Israeli police from behind burning tire on urban street. TLSs armored police jeep repositioning on sideroad, then coming under fire, rocks & even a small homemade bomb pelting the vehicle. LS Israeli Army UH-60 Blackhawk transport helicopter in flight over city, landing behind buildings. More tires are rolled along street & placed into fire.

Israeli-Palestine Conflict
Clip: 497195_1_6
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1442
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:25:13 - 00:30:48

More of young Palestinian men throwing rocks, some using slings, at Israeli police from behind burning tires on urban street. A particularly angry youth storms towards police, yelling at the top of his lungs, brandishing a rock, walking through tire fire, then throwing rock at police from close proximity, the crowd cheering him on. Young man waves Palestinian flag, runs about with it. Black smoke becomes thicker & heavier over time. Stunning shot of several masked Palestinian youth setting fire to upside down American flag (connoting dire emergency) waving it around some 50 ft from Israeli police car-- burning the flag, United States, U.S., US, Stars & Stripes, anger, Old Glory; the crowd cheers, fire burns out, police fire. Panning TLS paramedics carrying wounded man on stretcher. Excellent MS young man w/ Palestinian flag behind his back walking in street, police in BG; short but prolific image. Shot of masked young man trying to set fire to flag of Israel, the police firing on him immediately, perhaps hitting him as he falls backward w/ the flag intact.

Israel-Palestine Conflict (Second Intifada)
Clip: 497204_1_1
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1443
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:00:09 - 00:34:28

Various scenes from second Intifada in Jerusalem, late 2000.

Israeli/Palestinian Clashes at the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif)
Clip: 497191_1_12
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1439
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:08:47 - 00:09:47

High angle MS hundreds of Palestinian men - including many young boys - march through streets in an orderly protest, chanting and waving Paletinian flags. MCU 5 young men arms locked together walk directly towards camera, shouting protest chants. Overhead WS corwds with flags in street marching, chanting. A passionate but orderly protest. CU distressed and anxious looking veiled women look on as the men march past them. MS men marching towards camera.

Israeli/Palestinian Clashes at the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif)
Clip: 497262_1_11
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1439
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:21:45 - 00:23:33

VS of Palestinian soldiers and police pointing rifles at israeli jeeps in distance. Some good OTS shots. SV soldiers lined up. Cuts to WS hundereds of palestinians running, shouting along road, debris on road. They run and walk towards camera. SV MS Israeli Special forces fire cartridges at them. VS special forces firing, wlaking towards and away from crowd. VS special forces closer to crowd, firing more rapidly, running - more intesne action. Could be tear gas cartridges - not sure.

Israeli/Palestinian Clashes at the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif)
Clip: 497262_1_12
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1439
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:23:33 - 00:25:49

TLS Palestinians gathered around a makeshift barricade on a highway or other main road. Could be a security check point. Cuts to MCU Ambulance ride towards and past camera on highway. Cam follows. MS car driving towards camera - away from faliming orange burning vehicle. WS road - building in distance is hit with explosive. Palestinian man walks across cam - walks back into frame with palestinian flag. Smoke in b/g. VS gunfire, street skirmishes, MS, MCU palestinians running in street - injured person lies in the road alone. Small groupd of palestinians with guns, strategize, gather around abandoned building. Group gathers around ambulance pulling into scene. Quick shot of kids behind barricades - LS. WS empty debris filled street with small fires burning.

Israeli/Palestinian Clashes at the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif)
Clip: 497262_1_13
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1439
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:25:49 - 00:27:53

VS street skirmish. Lots of gunfire. Palestinians with guns try to shoot over a wall. Some are throwing rocks. Tires, oil drums and other debris on ground - this looks like a compound of some sort. Fences and stone walls. Cam follows action. Loud shouting crowd of men rush a wounded palestinian to an ambulance - action towrads camera. They load him in - man in blood-stained shirt passes camera. More shooting, ambulance drives into crowd - away.

Israeli/Palestinian Clashes at the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif)
Clip: 497262_1_15
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1439
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:31:20 - 00:31:58

CU protesters marching, chanting in street, many palestinian flags and banners. CU men chanting, shouting. Overhead high angle shot of crowd. Cu crowd chanting again. MS crowd slowly moving towards camera, quiet, no chanting or shouting now - one person holds up picture of Yassir Arafat. Orderly marching, protest.

Israeli/Palestinian Clashes at the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif)
Clip: 497262_1_16
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1439
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:31:58 - 00:34:19

VS Uniformed Palestinians try to remove and disperse a crowd of young palestinian men around the same israeli security post or check point that they were trhowing stones at earlier in this same tape. The men are climbing over the fence, trying to pillage and destroy whatever they can with wathever they can find. One guy gets to the Israeli flag and tries to take it down. Another uses a wooden stick to beat on the structure. More shots of the guy trying to take the Israeli flag down. He tears it. Wider shot same. Flag is down. Shots ring out and the boys quickly try to disperse. One gets caught in some barbed wire near a fence. CU men carrying a wounded teenager. Vs men carrying wounded. Crowd.

Israeli Incursions, Arial Sharon and Water Rights Demonstrations
Clip: 497263_1_9
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1438
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:17:38 - 00:20:07

MS group of Palestinian children carrying buckets, bottles of water. VS small kids carrying water. Filling water jugs at filling station, pipe run-offs. CU water tank spewing water. MS man handing out bottled water to crowd of clamoring children. Elevated shot of crowd gathered at demonstration with signs "Water Rights are Human Rights" and "Thirsty of Justice". CU hand closing valve on water hose. VS women carrying large buckets of water on their heads. Shots of water pouring from hoses, a woman with money talking to man at hose. CU hand on valve. Cut to sign in Hebrew and English, "Deep water" and CU of man swimming in Israeli pool. Men swimming.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_2
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:00:02 - 01:00:57

Introduction by a woman who has just visited Palestine.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_4
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:01:18 - 01:01:44

Titles read, "Since 1948, 750000 homeless Arab people have existed in tents & caves in the desert wastes encircling the Holy Land, their former home. These are the first motion pictures of the Palestine Arab Refugees. All of these scenes are actual and unrehearsed."

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_5
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:01:44 - 01:02:49

LS of tents at Palestine Arab Refugee camp. People hang laundry at camp. Various shots of tents and people moving about the camp. Woman holds child.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_6
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:02:49 - 01:04:01

Truck of supplies driving towards camera. People line up around truck for distribution of supplies. Narrator states that this camp is on the Gaza Strip. Crowds grow. Many of them are children.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_7
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:04:01 - 01:05:24

Refugees line up at a desk. Egyptian soldiers check their paper work to determine what they can get. Soldier sorts through blankets. A portion of rice is poured into a blanket to be carried back to the refugee camp. Egyptian soldiers check the refugee s paper work and hand out supplies.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_8
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:05:24 - 01:06:27

Egyptian soldiers load a truck with sacks of grain - food for the Palestine Arab refugee camps. Large sacks of food sent from the United Nations are brought into warehouses. Pan across crowds of Palestine Arab refugees behind the barbed wire fence of the camp. People line up to receive food donations.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_9
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:06:27 - 01:07:21

Palestine Arab refugees hand over their registration cards. Man filling out a card. Man hold open a sack with workers fill it with grain. Men walk out with their sacks of rations.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_10
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:07:21 - 01:09:09

CU of woman UN relief worker. Barrel is rolled off a truck. It is marked UNICEF, probably contains powdered milk. Looking through a door opening in a warehouse as supplies are unloaded. Workers mix water into powdered milk. CU of milk being poured. Milk poured into jugs. Palestine Arab refugee camp children are lined up to get milk. Workers fill jugs & give them to children. CU of children drinking from metal mugs.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_11
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:09:09 - 01:09:26

Men at Palestine Arab refugee camp sit around fire, cooking a pot of broth. CU of hands stirring a pot. Woman in her tent mends some clothes.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_12
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:09:26 - 01:09:52

Crowds walk through Palestine Arab refugee camp. Narrator says most of the refugees are Christian Arabs. Lebanese Priest speaks to refugees.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_13
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:09:52 - 01:10:04

Woman tends a small garden in the Palestine Arab refugee camp.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_22
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:17:16 - 01:17:38

Overlooking the city of Amman, Jordan. Two men, working for the United Nations stand near a car and check a map. Amman is the main supply station for the UN relief efforts.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_23
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:17:38 - 01:18:34

Ruins of Roman amphitheater in Amman, Jordan. A few shots of the tents set up by Palestine Arab refugees in the ruins. Man coming out of a shack he has put together. One woman cooking, another holds a baby outside of a shelter they carved into the side of a rock face. Man tends a very meager garden.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_24
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:18:34 - 01:20:01

Huge crowd of Palestine Arab refugee children at an outdoor school. Pan across heads of children. CU of boys singing. Group of girls in class. Crowds of girls run together towards camera.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_28
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:21:08 - 01:21:18

Two Palestine Arab children sitting on the ground. They appear to be malnourished with distended stomachs.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_31
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:22:52 - 01:23:06

Islamic man praying outside tent at Palestine Arab refugee camp.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_34
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:23:42 - 01:24:47

Palestine Arab refugee infants receive medical attention from relief doctors. Doctor examines a baby. Nurse gives penicillin shot to baby. Nurse helps a mother with her newborn baby.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_35
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:24:47 - 01:25:24

CU of Palestine Arab refugee children.

Sands of Sorrow - Palestine Arab Refugees
Clip: 496636_1_39
Year Shot: 1949 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1428
Original Film: CR # 59
Location: Palestine
Timecode: 01:28:04 - 01:28:36

Titles: "There's the story of three-quarters of a million people. Theirs is a humanitarian problem. Their plight is desperate. If they are to survive, relief on a far greater scale that now being extended must be forthcoming as soon as possible."

Lifting the Fog
Clip: 541905_1_16
Year Shot: 1946 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 141
Original Film:
Location: Middle East
Timecode: 01:28:01 - 01:28:23

Use catalog 67625 1946s World War Two Middle East. British soldier and Palestine police office at dock in Haifa awaiting a ship of Jewish immigrants. Armed Palestinian police officer. Ship crowded with Illegal Jewish immigrants, before creation of Israel.

Clip: 491278_1_2
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11062
Original Film: 101862
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 12:17:15 - 12:25:30

12.17.15-ARAFAT shakes hands with CLINTON, PERES, and RABIN, then WARREN CHRISTOPHER. CLINTON speaks, says it has been a great privilege to see this display of goodwill and the start of a new era of peace. Talks about walls of suspicion between Israelis and Palestinians being torn down. Concludes, shakes hands with the dignitaries, leads ARAFAT off stage, shots of CLINTON, ARAFAT, RABIN, and other diplomats walking the line of the front row of the crowd of dignitaries and officials, including HILLARY CLINTON, JIMMY CARTER, GEORGE BUSH, CHELSEA CLINTON, others. Shot of CLINTON, RABIN, ARAFAT posing for photo with group of Palestinian and Israeli children at the scene.

Clip: 491278_1_3
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11062
Original Film: 101862
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 12:25:30 - 12:26:50

12.25.30-ARAFAT, RABIN, CLINTON depart, give one last wave before entering White House. Shot of crowd starting to head out. V.O.-discussion of next steps in the MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS.

Clip: 491277_1_3
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11062
Original Film: 101862
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 11:59:32 - 12:04:35

RABIN says that Israelis are rejecting vengeance and hatred and want peaceful coexistence as human beings. Desire to open a new chapter in ARAB-ISRAELI RELATIONS. Quotes the psalm about "a time for everything", says that now is a time for peace. Notes that the Jewish New Year is approaching, hopes that this will be a year of peace for Israelis and Palestinians. Concludes with recitation of a prayer in Hebrew, the audience joins to say "Amen".

Clip: 491277_1_4
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11062
Original Film: 101862
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 12:04:35 - 12:09:38

Remarks of YASSER ARAFAT on the peace agreement. ARAFAT speaks in Arabic, translated to English paragraph by paragraph. Starts with expression of appreciation to Clinton and the U.S. government for sponsoring the peace agreement, assurances that the P.L.O. believes in American values of freedom and human rights, and have struggled for these principles. The Palestinians hope the agreement is the beginning of the end of the period of suffering and violence and the start of peaceful coexistence and equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians, belief that there can't be peace in the world without peace in the Middle East. Pledges determination to implement the agreements, asks for help from international community to overcome future difficulties in reaching a permanent settlement.

Clip: 491277_1_5
Year Shot: 1993 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 11062
Original Film: 101862
Location: White House Lawn
Timecode: 12:09:38 - 12:17:15

ARAFAT continues his remarks, Assures that the decision made by Israel and the P.L.O. to negotiate required courage, and more courage and determination will be required in the future to build on these beginnings. Discusses principles of the rights of states and need to put an end to feelings of mistrust. The two peoples want to give peace a real chance. This agreement will enable economic, social, and cultural growth and development, asks for international help to achieve this progress. Thanks Clinton, hopes that the meeting will be a new beginning for productive relations between the U.S. and the Palestinians. Thanks Russians and Boris Yeltsin for their role in the peace process, Warren Christopher, and the Norwegian government for their assistance. Extends good will to other Arab states and nations of the world. Says the battle for peace will be the most difficult battle and demand the utmost effort, concludes, thanks Clinton in English.

Washington Week Show - WW 4152 - "Middle East"
Clip: 528570_1_10
Year Shot: 2002 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 12099
Original Film: WW 4152
Location: Washington, DC, United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 20:19:40 - 20:22:30

Gwen Ifill introduces segment on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Mention of U.S. demanding that Yasser Arafat stand for re-election in Palestine. Doyle McManus of the Los Angeles Times discusses Palestinian elections, mentions suicide bombings. Mention of Israel sending tanks into Palestine, President George W. Bush. Mention of U.S. State Department considering announcing a provisional Palestinian state. Discussion of the Bush administration calling for new leadership in Palestine and the removal of Arafat from power. Mention of Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and their involvement in U.S. foreign policy with Palestine.

Washington Week Show - WW 4152 - "Palestine"
Clip: 528570_1_11
Year Shot: 2002 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 12099
Original Film: WW 4152
Location: Washington, DC, United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 20:22:30 - 20:24:04

Doyle McManus continues discussion on U.S. foreign policy in Palestine. Discussion of the likelihood that Yasser Arafat will win re-election and the type of government the U.S. hopes will be created even if Arafat remains in power. Discussion of the U.S. looking at alternative leaders to Arafat in Palestine. Discussion of U.S. allies' generally negative reactions to American call for new leadership in Palestine. Gwen Ifill begins to close show.

1940s - Palestine - Men
Clip: 442852_1_2
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:02:56 - 01:03:19

Close-up side view of adult Caucasian male's head, looking at something off camera. Close-up of man looking, speaking to someone off camera. Group of men sitting, standing together by vehicle.

1940s - Palestine - Cliff
Clip: 442852_1_3
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:03:19 - 01:03:52

Cliff side; two cliff wall holes. Holes at cliff side base; trees surround the area.

1940s - Palestine - Garden/Park
Clip: 442852_1_4
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:03:52 - 01:04:24

Adult Caucasian man and women standing on pathway in a garden or park; building in BG with decorative windows.

1940s - Palestine - Garden/Park
Clip: 442852_1_5
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:04:24 - 01:04:47

Adult Caucasian men and women, obscured, standing on pathway in a garden or park. Crude doorway opening in stone wall. Stone crack.

1940s - Palestine - City and Landscape
Clip: 442852_1_6
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:04:47 - 01:05:17

Wide view of Palestinian city. Low angle view of mountainous terrain. Hole at base of mountainous terrain; half wall on the side.

1940s - Palestine - Farm
Clip: 442852_1_7
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:05:17 - 01:05:31

Fenced-in dairy cows on farm.

1940s - Palestine - Farmland
Clip: 442852_1_8
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:05:31 - 01:06:02

Various overviews of farmland; trees blowing in the FG, towns scattered in the BG, mountains in the distance.

1940s - Palestine - Garden Park
Clip: 442852_1_9
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:06:02 - 01:06:32

VS of flowering trees. VS of trees, flowers.

1940s - Palestine - Garden Park
Clip: 442852_1_10
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:06:32 - 01:07:00

Tree atop small stone pile; pan left to trees and flowers.

1940s - Palestine - Garden Park
Clip: 442852_1_11
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:07:00 - 01:07:30

Adult man walking in city garden/park. Flowers in bloom; high stone walls in BG. Plant, shrub, possibly bearing fruit. High stone wall; cypress trees lining the FG on an incline.

1940s - Palestine - Garden Park
Clip: 442852_1_12
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:07:30 - 01:07:55

VS of the vegetation within the city garden/park.

1940s - Palestine - Garden Park
Clip: 442852_1_13
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year )
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: 709-09
HD: Yes
Location: Palestine
Country: Palestine
Timecode: 01:07:55 - 01:08:20

VS of the vegetation within the city garden/park. Adult male walking through the garden; yellow flowers in bloom in the FG. Red flowers; high stone wall in the BG.