
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 26, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 26, 1973
Clip: 488824_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10417
Original Film: 113003
Location: .Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.34.59] Senator ERVIN. This morning I received the following letter. The WHITE HOUSE. Washington, June 26, 1973. DEAR SENATOR ERVIN: In a telephone discussion this morning, with Mr. Rufus Edmisten of your staff. Fred Buzhardt and I stated that the Senate Select Committee should use its discretion with respect to the utilization of the documents referred to in your letter to the President dated June 25, 1973. It is our understanding that the agencies having responsibilities in the foreign intelligence areas as have provided extensive evidence to the 'Senate on these documents. In this connection, Mr. Edmisten stated that the Committee intended to utilize Only those portions relating to domestic intelligence activities and would not make public any material reefering to any foreign intelligence activities Or capabilities. Mr. Edmisten asked that I confirm this conversation to you in writing during the luncheon recess, which I am pleased to do. Sincerely, Leonard Garment. Senator ERVIN. Now, as I understand it, Senator Weicker, you wish to interrogate the witness about one of these documents and I would suggest that, in order to have the thing in consecutive order, that -we ask the witness if he can identify all of the copies of the documents reeferred to in this letter. Mr. DEAN. I think, Mr. Chairman, that Senator Weicker is referring to the memorandum that I -Wrote. to the Attorney General. Senator WEICKER. Yes. Before you do, I would like to give you copies of these papers. Mr. DEAN. I would like to see them to refresh my recollection of the documents. Senator ERVIN. We might give you copies of two other documents which are not classified One is a memo to H.R. Haldeman from Tom Charles Huston, dated August 25, 19 1970, reefering to SACB appropriations, and a memo to H.R. Haldeman from Tom Charles Huston dated September 10, 1970, neither of -which is classified. Mr. SHAFFER. Mr. we have permission to look at them, Senator? We have never seen them before. Senator ERVIN. Yes. In other words, preliminary to Senator Weicker Continuing his examination. I want you on to identify all the documents and order them admitted into the record. The question then that will be asked of 'Mr. Dean is whether or not he can identify these documents as having been copies of documents which he delivered to Judge Sirica and which Judge Sirica ordered delivered to this committee. Mr. SHAFFER. Senator, just out of an abundance of caution, I would like to advise the chairman, that, although his lawyers participated in the delivery of The documents to Judge Sirica, it was done by Mr. Dean placing the documents in a safe deposit box and the keys then being delivered to the court and the documents never came into our possession. nor did we See them. Senator BAKER. Chairman, do I understand Mr. Shaffer to say that in an abundance of caution, he wishes to indicate that he and Mr. McCandless have not previously received possession of these, documents?: Mr.' SHAFFER. That is right. Senator BAKER. I think it would be appropriate. "Mr. Chairman, if You concur to state that on behalf of the committee, we think it is desirable and essential for counsel to be able to confer now with Mr. Dean on those documents on our authority. Senator ERVIN. I agree with you absolutely. the committee -will take a recess or stand at ease until the attorneys and Mr. Dean can confer about these documents. [00.40.20]