[00.22.13-DASH asks for clarification on the documents submitted as evidence concerning the White House ENEMIES LIST] Mr. Dean, just before -we recess, there has been a little, confusion in the exhibits that you have submitted, and we 'want to make sure we, have them properly identified. There is a list which is entitled "Opponent Priority Activity." That is captioned so that we know -who prepared that list. There. happens also to be, a document which is on White House, stationery which is for eyes only, dated June 24, 1971, memorandum for John Dean, Gerry Warren, DeVan Shumway, subject, opponents list., and the statement is "Attached is the list of opponents which we have compiled. I thought it, would be useful to you from time to time," and it, is signed, George T. Bell. Is this the list that goes with that memo? Mr. DEAN. Mr. Dash, I would like a look at those first if I could before I---- Mr. DASH. Do You have them?, Mr. DEAN. I don't know which one you are referring to. Mr. DASH. Would someone give this list and give this memorandum to you have the, memorandum of June 24, 1971l also? Memorandum for John Dean, Gerry Warren, Van Shumway. Mr. DEAN. Is there a, list that accompanies the June, 27 one, also, that you have attached? Mr. DASH. June 25? Mr. DEAN. It, would either have to be from the- Mr. DASH. No, there is no list attached to the June 25 one. Mr. DEAN. All right. It would either be the June 24 or June 25 that would be, attached there. Mr. DASH. No, the June '25 says, "Please, add the attached list of Muskie contributors." That list I have just, given you is not a list of Muskie, contributors. Mr. DEAN. This would go with the list on June, 24, to the best of my knowledge, Mr. DASH. And that is your understanding in submitting that to the committee, that, to the best, of your knowledge, that list is covered by the memorandum of June 24, 1971? Mr. DEAN. I know the source of this would be from Mr. Colson's office, this list, yes. Mr. DASH. Who is Mr. George T. Bell ? Mr. DEAN. He was a member of Mr. Colson's staff at the time. Mr. DASH. And it is your understanding that the list was prepared in Mr. Colson's office? Mr. DEAN. These lists -were prepared by Mr. Bell and Miss Gordon, and kept continuously updated. This does not, represent the totality of the list. This represents what I have in my possession. Mr. DASH. For our record now, that list did come from Mr. Bell and is related to the June 24 memorandum? Mr. DEAN-. That, is my understanding, This is my best recollection from the way I extracted the documents from my records. Mr. DASH. The list does not have any identification on it. That is why I am asking you that question. Mr. DEAN. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. Senator Weicker. Senator WEICKER. Thank you. Senator ERVIN. The committee will stand in recess until 2 o'clock. [00.25.48-LEHRER in studio] LEHRER states that GURNEY examined DEAN for more than two hours and is still not finished. [PBS NETWORK ID-title screen "SENATE HEARINGS ON CAMPAIGN ACTIVITES"] [00.29.21--LEHRER] LEHRER states that immediately after the recess, Sen. ERVIN will ask questions about the ENEMIES LIST memos that DEAN gave the committee. [00.29.30] n