
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 28, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 28, 1973
Clip: 489071_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10428
Original Film: 115004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.07.13-WEICKER goes on in his description of the "gross" acts by the NIXON White House, the ENEMIES LIST] This, I would say, say, falls into the area of gross: Memorandum for John Dean from Charles Colson: I received a well-informed tip that there are income tax discrepancies involving the returns of Harold J. Gibbons, the vice president of the Teamsters Union in St. Louis. This has come to we on very, very good authority. Gibbons, you should know, is an all out enemy, a McGovernite, ardently anti-Nixon. He is one of the three labor leaders who were recently invited to Hanoi. Please see if this can be started on at once and if there is in informer's fee, let me know. There is a good cause at which it can be donated. [00.07.56] Let me read from your memorandum, Mr. Dean, and I imagine this couldn't have been one of your proudest moments in life. If I am not mistaken, the subject dealing with Our political enemies Was a memorandum written by you to Mr. Haldeman, is that correct? Mr. DEAN. I will have to confess, I had to do some research to prepare that, because it was a new field for me.. Senator WEICKER, Well, I think we have got to get it all out on the table here, and that means everybody. And I am going to read two paragraphs which I find to be absolutely amazing having been written in the White House of the United States. "After reviewing this matter with a number of persons possessed of expertise in the field"--the subject of this is "Dealing with our political enemies"--"I have concluded that we do not need an elaborate mechanism or game plan, rather we need a, good project coordinator and full support for the project. In brief, the system would work as follows. [00.09.01-WEICKER reads a memo written by DEAN which lays out a plan to "Screw" political enemies] The project coordinator should then determine--and this is one of the ways the system operates--what source of dealings these individuals have with the Government--talking about our political enemies now--and how we can best screw them (for example grant availability, Federal contracts, litigation, prosecution, et cetera). Now. to move along to that portion of the Internal Revenue Service memo--this is how you use the Internal Revenue Service against your political enemies--just one sentence: [00.09.46-WEICKER reveals for the TV cameras the NIXON White House position on administrative agencies of the Government serving political interests] Walters must be made to know that discrete political actions and investigations on behalf of the administration are a firm requirement and responsibility on his part. In the same memorandum, "We have been unable to obtain information in the possession of IRS regarding our political enemies. And then lastly, in one of the lists which we received, as I understand it, are the "Opponent, Priority Activity"--Mr. Dean, does that come from Mr. Colson's office to Mr. Bell ? Mr. DEAN. That is correct. Senator WEICKER. All right. The language it first is very prosaic. "Having studied the attached material and evaluated the recommendations for the discussed action, I believe you will find my list worthwhile for go status"-the space age come to dirty politics. "It is in priority order." [00.10.41-WEICKER airs a lot of the White House's dirty laundry on shameful political practices] -Now I want everybody to listen to some of the comments that are made alongside the names: "It is time to give the message"; "they should be hit hard starting with" this particular Individual; "A scandal would be most helpful here; "we should give him a try. Positive results would stick a pin in Jackson's white hat"; "coming on fast. Emerging as a leading black anti-Nixon spokesman Has known weakness for white females." These are the exhibits. these are the exhibits that were turned in yesterday They form a part of the record of activity, along with those matters unconstitutional and illegal. [00.11.33-WEICKER reads from DEAN'S statement, on subject of strategy to stonewall and obstruct the ERVIN COMMITTEE.] Now, we get, to the point as to whether or not these attitudes still prevail or whether, in fact, they still continue. Mr. Dean, I am now referring to your statement on page 163. [READING] Ehrlichman and Haldeman concluded that the theory for dealing with this Committee should be as follows: The White House will take a public posture of full cooperation, but privately will attempt to restrain the investigation and make it as difficult as possible to get information and witnesses. A behind the scenes media effort would be made to make the Senate inquiry appear very partisan. The ultimate goal would be to discredit the hearing and reduce their impact by attempting to show that the Democrats have engaged in the same type of activities. Would you like to expand on that statement at all at this time? I plan to go through a chronology of events. even as they affect me and You. But. is there' anything in the way of a general statement that You would like to make at this time? Mr. DEAN. I think I indicated this to counsel yesterday, that at this Particular La Costa meeting I made several which I have not turned over as an exhibit but will be turned over as an exhibit, and this material is documented in that form. [00.13.18]