
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 29, 1973 (1/2)

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 29, 1973 (1/2)
Clip: 489180_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10431
Original Film: 116003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.59.57-DASH submits for a record a White House-prepared list of questions for DEAN, Sen. BAKER wants to make it clear that it is not to be construed as an official White House statement] Mr. DASH. Yes, and I just want to give their statement as to what they intended to do and that was their reconstruction. having talked to persons who had knowledge of 'what had occurred in these meetings between the President and Mr. Dean. It was basically a reconstruction given to us for the purpose of use in questioning Mr. Dean. Senator BAKER. I think that. Mr. Chairman, as I said a moment, ago, is appropriate for that purpose at this time. But I caution against, if I may, taking that as a statement of the White House position or a Presidential statement at this time, and I would rather keep the record open on that and see if we can't do a little bit about it. Mr. DASH. I accept that, Senator, and I only submit it as you limit it, Senator ERVIN. I will make the same statement about it that I made at the time Mr. Dean was cross-examined about the, statement which had come, at least infrequently, from Mr. Buzhardt. This is not evidence, it is a statement of Mr. Buzhardt's position or supposed position as counsel. Senator ERVIN. Yesterday, Senator Montoya suggested that, the committee issue a subpena for Mr. Buzhardt and I suggested at that time that Instead of so doing, -we should have inquiry made of Mr. Buzhardt if he claimed to have any personal knowledge of the matters mentioned in his so-called Buzhardt statement. I am informed that Mr. Buzhardt says he has no personal knowledge of those matters. [01.01.40] Mr. DASH. I informed the chairman that I had such a call with Mr. Buzhardt and as to personal knowledge, he referred to both his reconstruction and to the statement that, this is something he prepared as counsel, having discussed it with others, or used others in Preparing it. Now, with regard to your involving Mr. Kalmbach in the raising of so-called funds and in the so-called payoffs to maintain silence of the defendants, I think you were, yesterday, by Senator Gurney in his very thorough cross-examination, examined as to whether or not Mr. Kalmbach really understood from your discussion with him just what he was doing when he was being asked to raise money for the payoffs. [01.02.29] You had indicated that you clearly understood that he did understand, because you had fully informed him as to the circumstances. The question clearly was raised whether or not Mr. Kalmbach could have gotten the impression that this was for humanitarian purposes, sort of to raise a defense fund. [01.02.47-DASH relies on COMMON SENSE to smash the arguments made by GURNEY] Now, first, Mr. Dean, I think you testified that you told Mr. Kalmbach just prior to asking him to undertake this assignment what the circumstances were. Mr. DEAN. That is correct. Mr. DASH. Could you just briefly, very briefly, tell us, what did you tell Mr. Kalmbach? Mr. DEAN. Well, I told him everything that I knew about the case at that time. I told him that I was very concerned that this could lead right to the President. I didn't have any hard facts. I hoped that I was incorrect. I explained to him in full the seriousness of the matter. I relayed to him the fact that some records had been destroyed. I told him virtually everything I knew at that time and I think there was no doubt in his mind about the sensitivity of the situation. [01.03.34] Mr. DASH. As a matter of fact, Mr. Dean, is there anything wrong for instance, if somebody working for you--and after all, Liddy and McCord did work for the Committee To Re-Elect the President--is there anything wrong if anybody works for you and gets in trouble, about your picking up their---- [01.03.52-TAPE OUT]