
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, July 10, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, July 10, 1973
Clip: 489285_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10436
Original Film: 117004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.25.47-MITCHELL testifying about his role in the campaign prior to his resignation as Attorney General-Sen. TALMADGE has presented documents showing MITCHELL to have had an active role in the campaign at that time] Mr. MITCHELL. Senator. I have no recollection of the first, one relating to the Republican National Committee budget. I have a vague, recollection of this one in January having to do with the telephone Plan for the Florida primary, and I am quite sure that the writing at the bottom here in connection with the comment which says, "Hold for November pending standing In the polls"--"Hold for now," I guess it is, not November--"Pending standing in polls" is not, my writing. But--- Senator TALMADGE. Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous Consent that those documents be appropriately marked and inserted in the record at this point. Senator ERVIN. I believe the one he stated he had no recollection about will have to be identified by some other witnesses. Senator TALMADGE. Then the, ones he, identified- Senator ERVIN. The ones he identified will in be, appropriately marked as an exhibit and placed in the record as such. Mr. HUNDLEY. I think I should state with reference, to the second document that Mr. Mitchell had seen it and that he indicated that the handwriting on it, on the bottom was not his and I would note there, is no X on the, "Approved- or "Not Approved." Senator TALMADGE. I am not indicating that it was Mr. Mitchell's mark there, But it does corroborate that he was actively Involved in the, campaign- That was admitted by Mr. Mitchell, I might say. Mr. HUNDLEY. That 'Is a matter of dispute. Mr. MITCHELL. That is a matter of dispute, and I would like the chairman's indulgence for a moment to point, out that there, is no illegality about any appointee engaging the, carrying out any Presidential or political functions. Senator TALMADGE. I am not arguing that., Mr. Mitchell. You testified under oath in response, to a question of mine a moment ago that at the, request of the White House You were actively involved in the, campaign, If I can read the English language correctly, on March 14 of last year, you testified to the opposite before the Judiciary Committee. One or the other of Your Statements is in error. I am inserting them in the record only so the, public can draw their own conclusions as to which was in error. [00.29.52] Mr. MITCHELL. I dispute your statement with respect, to the, discussion before the Judiciary Committee and I would like to go back to my statement. and stand on that answer. Senator TALMADGE. That, is part, of the record and that, is the reason, Mr. Mitchell, that I inserted both of them in the record so the American people can draw their own conclusion as to which is correct,. I am not arguing with your testimony but, if I can read the English language in two different places they are the opposite of each other. You state that they aren't. If I understand English, and I learned it in a small country school, in Telfair County--- Mr. MITCHELL. So did I, Senator. a very small one. Senator TALMADGE- We both studied the same English, I assume. [00.30.38] Mr. MITCHELL. That is why I am surprised you don't agree with my interpretation. Senator TALMADGE. Let's get on to another matter. Senator ERVIN. Could I ask for his interpretation so I can understand it'? It is your position that working for a Republican candidate, for President gave you no responsibilities in respect to the Republican Party ? Mr. MITCHELL. That is it, entirely, Mr. Chairman. That is the question that I asked of Senator Kennedy. Senator ERVIN. Thank you. [00.31.10]