
Vietnam War Demonstration

Vietnam War Demonstration
Clip: 311188_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1
Original Film: 482-01
Location: Washington D.C.
Timecode: 02:16:20 - 02:16:44

Master 1 - Tape 2 Demonstrators (in front of white house?) holding signs. Lots of police in uniforms. Signs say: guinea pigs for guinea professors", "War Erodes the Great Society", "Stop the Bombings", "Honor Peace: Respect the 1954 Geneva Accords", "Bring the GIs Home Now". Lots of different types marching, adults, students, children. Pickets. Not a cliched demonstration: these early protestors walk in a circle, calm. Peace movement, anti-vietnam war. An elderly woman carries a sign "Chicago Women for Peace"This is an excerpt from a much larger roll that includes both pro and anti-war demonstrators in Washington, D.C.