
Paris Automobile Salon

Paris Automobile Salon
Clip: 354372_1_1
Year Shot: 1956 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1623
Original Film: 029-083-03
Location: Paris, France & Detroit, Michigan
Timecode: 00:31:25 - 00:32:39

High style marks the 43rd Paris Automobile Salon, tops in prestige, attracting celebrities in the audience and the world's most elegant, and advanced automotive designs from every industrial nation. Back in the US The experimental dart is tested - an aerodynamically designed car, hand-built in Italy, that gives a glimpse of tomorrow. Establishing shot - The inside of the convention hall with throngs of people walking around. OHSML - People milling around Jaguars and Mercedes cars. MCUS - President Coati of France. CUS - A strange looking country touring car. MS - American cars. The motor comes out of the car by a hydraulic motor. OHS - A super speed sports car with strange looking fenders. OHS - Looking down a Renault turbine glass top car. MS - Of a Crylisler Dart at the Detroit proving ground. It has very high fins. MS - The Dart driving on the test track.